Are you interested in maintaining the elasticity of your skin this summer?


From copper 29 spa we give you some tips to take care of your collagen and the essential copper enzymes, which prevent stretch marks on the skin.

It has been shown that copper allows the body to use tyrosine, an amino acid that influences the pigmentation of hair and skin, and whose deficiency can cause the inappropriate formation of elastin (one of the components of the connective tissue of the skin ). Likewise, the participation of copper in the synthesis of melanin, the main protective pigment of our skin cells, is necessary. The conversion of tyrosine to melanin requires the participation of tyrosinase, a catalytic protein that is characterized by containing copper. 

Indeed, copper has innumerable properties that make it an essential metal for human life, but its benefits are not limited to health in a strict sense. Because copper is essential to preserve the youth and elasticity of the skin, with its psychological consequences for the well-being of the person, and feeling good about oneself, projecting the joy of the "I" on others. 

How then to improve the elasticity and appearance of the skin? Specialists affirm that the lack of skin elasticity may be caused by a lack of vitamins E, C, pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 and minerals such as copper, zinc and silicon. Therefore, and especially in the periods of greatest risk, for example situations of heat stress such as summer, special attention must be paid to ensuring that the diet contains these nutrients. Vitamin C and copper are especially important in these processes, since both stimulate the production of new collagen and improve the already formed one. Enzymes play an important role in the transformation process from new collagen to mature collagen, and for these to fulfill their function, they need the presence of vitamin C and copper enzymes: they are called cuproenzymes. 

It is for all these reasons that most collagen and elastin-inducing creams contain copper, amino acids and hyaluronic acid. An example of the above are treatments based on GHK-Cu copper tripeptides (remember that peptides are components of amino acids, the basis of proteins). These tripeptides are responsible for activating many functions that affect skin health, including wound healing, the immune system, collagen synthesis, blood vessel development, fibroblast production, and the anti-inflammatory response. That is, it helps prevent and reverse multiple signs of skin aging (elasticity, enlarged pores, sun damage, and wrinkles). 

A tripeptide is made up of three amino acids. When combined with water, it acts as an antioxidant and, combined with other ingredients, it can fight the signs of aging, help the ingredients penetrate and help cell regeneration in wounds. This is the type of "repair from within" that CAIS has as its main objective.

The level of these tripeptides of the type associated with GHK-Cu copper decreases with age: it goes from 200 μg/ml at 20 years to 80 μg/ml at 60 years. For all these reasons, it is advisable to reinforce the elements of the intake and natural cosmetics that favor the synthesis of copper tripeptides. 

Copper is a vital metal for all eukaryotic organisms, from microbes to humans. A dozen enzymes (cuproenzymes) use changes in the oxidation state of copper to catalyze important biochemical reactions including: cellular respiration, antioxidant defense (for example, superoxide dismutase), detoxification, blood coagulation, the production of melanin (the aforementioned tyrosinase) and the formation of connective tissue. Copper is required for iron metabolism, oxygenation, neurotransmission, and many other essential biological processes. Another function of copper is signaling, for example stem cells require a certain level of copper to initiate their differentiation into cells necessary for repair. Therefore,

How to avoid stretch marks? The recipe also works for osteoporosis and is as simple as eating foods rich in copper: Cereals, legumes, dried fruits, sunflower seeds, shellfish, veal liver, chicken, cocoa, leafy vegetables greens, seafood and chicken, are just a few. 

The consumption of foods rich in copper helps to reduce the progression of osteoporosis in women after menopause and prevents stretch marks on the skin. The data was released by the Chilean non-profit association Procobre, which is dedicated to disseminating the therapeutic effects of copper in the body. The most important nutrient identified to treat cases of osteoporosis is calcium, but it seems that copper plays an important role in fortifying bone mass.

To cover these copper needs, according to the study by researcher Manuel Olivares, from the Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA) of Chile, it is enough to consume, as we have already mentioned, shellfish, legumes, whole grains and their derivatives, as well as green leafy vegetables. 

The pediatrician Dr. Manuel Olivares found that "a mixture of nutrients that included copper, manganese and zinc and that was ingested along with a quantity of calcium for two years by a group of women older than 50 years, managed to increase the density in this population bone mineral by 1.48%". In this sense, he noted that in another group of women of the same age and who were given during the same period "calcium only, he registered a loss of 1.25% of bone mineral density" as a consequence of osteoporosis. A group of other postmenopausal women who were administered "also for two years only a placebo recorded a loss of bone density of 3.53%."

 Olivares pointed out that "copper is also essential for the production of melanin that gives skin pigmentation, as well as for the function of the cuproenzyme lysyl oxidase, which is what produces the cross-linking of collagen and elastin fibers and has to do with with the elasticity of the skin". 

The lack of elasticity of the dermis is the main culprit in the formation of stretch marks, for which there is no cosmetic or surgical method that can make them disappear.

We came to summer vacation with one skin and came back with another. More tanned and perhaps even more luminous thanks to that characteristic shine of spending the summer on the beach, but also drier at times or oilier at others, with more spots and wrinkles and less tone or turgor. According to the Spanish Academy of Dermatology, an increase in temperature can increase, in addition to the usual dehydration due to the decrease in relative humidity, some pathologies, such as sensitivity or atopic dermatitis. All this has to do with the greater amount of UVB radiation that reaches us, but also with the fact that we use photoprotection incorrectly and spend too much time with the sun and exposure, and with constant contact with salty sea water and swimming pools. , as well as any routine that we may have altered during the holidays,

For all these reasons, at COBRE 29 SPA we recommend that you take care of your skin correctly at the beginning of summer, that you start a diet like the ones described, rich in copper, protein and vitamin C, and that you complement it with the use of suitable organic cosmetics. The latter is essential to avoid stretch marks, and our line of organic cosmetics EL JARDÍN DE HAMMAM , based on molecular components of the thousand-year-old olive tree, offers you absolutely adequate oils to maintain the firmness, elasticity and beauty of your skin. 

The skin is the largest organ in our body, the first permeable barrier of the self to the outside world, and don't forget: An attractive indicator of health that marks our relationship with others!

The copper routes (1): let's travel to Cyprus or the Cupric mirror of Venus