Did you know that the color of copper favors the health of the skin, and the emotional well-being of people?


Do you know the origin of the word “tan”? From today in cobre29 spa the aero massage is now available.

AERO is an exclusive treatment resulting from the research of our experts, and in which, thanks to the copper essences, the light of your skin will transform, shine, fade, and dazzle us with warm and revitalizing tones.

AERO is a massage designed for people who need to "cleanse and become positive", a wave change that drives away the negative and helps to bring out the beauty that is in each of us, from the inside out. At the end of the day, it won't be your skin that glows, but you.

What we call color is  a mental and sensory sensation produced by light rays, which impress our visual organs, depending on the wavelength of the light that is reflected by matter.

Light has a dual nature, simultaneously wave and corpuscular, in photons. A photon is a particle of light and has electromagnetic wave characteristics. Therefore, it carries energy proportional to its frequency. Max Planck formulated this relationship as E = hf, where h is Planck's constant and f is the frequency of light. This explains that each frequency and each color have different energies. The wavelength of the copper color is 510 nanometers, intermediate within visible radiation.

The skin, our largest organ, also absorbs and emanates light,  with mechanisms that regulate daily and seasonal rhythms. Our skin changes color in relation to the nature and circumstances of each person. It is in this last field that we must devote maximum attention to the light of our skin. This is equivalent to talking about our own light, the one we emanate towards others and the one that protects us from any external hostile radiation.

Copper skin is a type of human skin color with medium  melanin pigmentation , especially  eumelanin . This skin is an intermediate skin type between dark and light skin. Humans with copper pigmentation have skin with a significant proportion of melanin and have more  melanosomes  that provide sufficient superior protection against the harmful effects of  ultraviolet radiation . This helps the body retain its stores of  folate  (naturally occurring folic acid) and protects against  DNA damage.. It mainly comprises a spectrum of human skin colors that includes shades III, IV and V of the Fitzpatrick scale. This scale allows us to know what our skin type is and how sensitive it is to the sun's rays.

Chromotherapy  is one of the treatment methods that use the chromatic property of visible light to cure diseases. Color has been studied from philosophical, biological, anthropological, and psychological perspectives.

Chromotherapy studies show that the color of copper can influence electrical patterns in the brain, galvanic skin response, blood pressure, heart and respiratory rates, eye blink rate, and blood oxygenation.

Copper in chromotherapy is very beneficial psychologically and emotionally.  It is a positive color that encourages us to adequately face everyday situations, and improve our attitude in exceptional ones. 

Copper is also an ideal adjuvant for reflexology or energy massages, taking advantage of its energetic properties. Technology has benefited in every way from this precious metal, as it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat. 

It has been proven that it has benefits and properties capable of reducing expression lines and minimizing skin blemishes; It is protective of the bone structure and joints. 

Copper has been used for the last 11,000 years , as it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and certain Ayurbeda schools believe in its ability to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. 

In ancient times, in Egypt, color was used to diagnose patients.

and then rooms with certain colors, often in copper tones, were used to facilitate healing. Today, restaurants prefer to choose the color gold to whet the appetite of customers, while hospitals have green rooms to calm patients during their recovery.

Many researchers believe that color perception is based on biological facts. Cultural differences, psychological situations and age can affect the perception of colors.

Currently there are professionals from various medical branches, both in natural and allopathic medicine, who are committed to this type of therapy. The benefits are: Reduction of tiredness, elimination of inflammation and pain, improvement of insomnia and migraines, relief in all types of arthritic inflammations.

Massages with mud or clay have been recognized since ancient times for their multiple aesthetic and therapeutic benefits for people, given the properties of their mineral salts. These components are a great source of energy and health, due to the large amount of minerals they contain and which are necessary for the proper functioning of our body. We are talking mainly about copper, magnesium, silicon, zinc, cobalt and selenium that help to improve the production of collagen and elastin, removal of dead cells, cell regeneration and activates circulation; necessary actions to show off soft and radiant skin. 

Therapy with copper powders and solutions  in specific balms and creams is today an excellent method to relieve pain, tension, and physical and mental stress, due to its smooth texture and the temperature at which it is applied. . Likewise, said therapy is beneficial for treating insomnia, anxiety and anguish.

More and more people are deciding to undergo this type of treatment due to the large amount of minerals that they provide to the body and the benefits that this entails:

✨ By possessing copper, magnesium, zinc and silicon, it contributes to cell regeneration and reactivates the formation of elastin and collagen. 

✨Allows to exfoliate the skin thoroughly, eliminating impurities and toxins lodged under the skin 

✨ Its absorption property cleanses the pores in depth, making it an ideal treatment for oily and acne-prone skin. 

✨Helps improve blood circulation, toning and reaffirming, perfect for fighting cellulite 

✨ Deeply moisturizes getting smooth and soft skin.

✨And very important: Copper favors preventive tanning✨

The word bronzer initially has the meaning of "substance that helps to darken the skin under the sun" and comes from the suffix -dor (agent, the one that does the action) on the verb "to tan", derived from "bronze" (for the color of leather that it produces) and this from the Italian bronzo = “mixture of copper and tin”. 

Naturally it is better to have an adequate tan before taking sunbaths, than to tan as a result of sun exposure. This prevents possible damage from UV radiation on our skin. 


If you want to show off beautiful and healthy skin soon, this spring and the summer that is already coming, do not hesitate to resort to the benefits offered by the AERO massage at COBRE 29 SPA!

Did you know that copper is decisive during pregnancy?